There are various of portable dental unit for sale now, making it is difficult for us to choose an good portable dental equipment, then, what should we consider when choosing a portable dental equipment? Here we have made a summary:


Transportability – We should consider how easily it can be moved and utilized according to its weight and size, and will it fit into your vehicle? Is there a built-in handle and/or dolly system?

Durability – The likelihood of malfunction because of constantly moving the units. The equipment engineered sufficiently to minimize need for frequent repairs.

Ergonomic characteristics – It should creates an efficient working environment. Such as the dental chair allows variety of positioning options; movable arm rests to allow wheelchair transfers, and the adjustability of operator and assistant stools, and so on.

Delivery system capabilities – The capacity for effective dental treatment provision, which means that the portable dental unit can provide a range of dental services, including the adequate sustainable pounds per square inch for high-speed and low-speed handpieces, and adequate sustainable cubic feet per min for high-volume and low-volume suction, and many more.

Infection control – The portable dental unit should meet OSHA’s requirements for cleanliness and asepsis with its cleaning and disinfection, and it is easy to remove suction contaminates from the vacuum to the drain and disinfection.

Maintenance – It should be ease of performing needed maintenance and minor repairs to avoid downtime. And when repair of more complex problems and need to ship components for servicing or repairs.

Moreover, the portable dental equipment should also be ease of assembly/disassembly (starting and finishing), and the noise level can be modified to avoid it makes too much noise.

Well, please pay more attention to the factors above when you chooing a portable dental unit, hope it is helpful to you. By the way, here i recommend you a good dental online store china – dentalsalemall.com, for you to get all kinds of high quality dental equipment with very cheap price.


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