Sintering Zirconia Blocks: What You Need to Know

How to sinter the zirconia blocks?

Every steps are very important to help the good result of the teeth.
How to have a good strength of the dental zirconia block?
How to have a good translucency of the zirconia dental block?
How to have a good color of the zirconia block dental lab?
Sinter the zirconia blank according to our below dental zirconia blank instructions will help you to get a good strength, high translucency, good color teeth.

Points to note about zirconia block dental sintering:

Precautions for the use of zirconium beads:
Zirconium beads should be replaced in time if the following situations occur
Severe discoloration
Incomplete or broken shape
The color has no transparency and no gloss
Check whether the zirconium beads are stuck before sintering. If the zirconium beads are stuck, separate the zirconium beads to ensure good fluidity.
The number of zirconium beads should ensure that they can completely cover the bottom of the sagger (1-2 layers).
When replacing the new zirconium beads, first burn the zirconium beads together with the waste material for 1-2 times before sintering the restoration.

Factors that may affect color:
The silicon-molybdenum rods, refractory materials, internal structure of the sintering furnace, program settings, crucibles and sintering beads used in the sintering furnace of various manufacturers are different, which will cause the zirconia crown to be sintered in the sintering furnace in a different environment, which ultimately affects the color deviation of the sintered crown.

Cleaning and maintenance of sintering furnace:
Cleaning method: scrape off the impurities in the furnace, and then put the waste zirconia scraps into the furnace for burning.
Check the heating element of the sintering furnace before sintering. If there is peeling on the surface of the heating rod (silicon-molybdenum rod), put only the scrap material for sintering.
When the equipment is not in use, the furnace should be closed to ensure a dry environment inside the furnace.
Please keep the operation room of the sintering equipment clean and tidy.

The best way to sintering – to put the zirconia block to the red circle place or sintering with pot:

The commonly used method for sintering long bridges:
The connecting rods inside are provided by the computer, and the middle needs to be hollowed out, so that they will shrink evenly during sintering, and will not be easily deformed. In addition, it is recommended to sinter it upright, provided that the tooth does not touch the top of the furnace hearth, stand up for sintering, and set a flat surface under it. When the whole tooth shrinks, it will shrink more freely, so that it will not deform.

If you need other dental lab blocks such as dental pmma blocks, please visit our

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